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We Are Cambridge
The mission of Cambridge has always been to ensure that every student has an equal opportunity for equal education. If you adopt Cambridge programming and conditions on the ground in your school or district change, Cambridge will provide you – absolutely free – with the tools to make needed changes. To learn more about Cambridge, click here.
"Our teachers are so excited about the Cambridge program and resources for our ACT Prep course. We love that the reports can be drilled down so they really provide our teachers with some strong direction on what to prioritize and teach so the students can grow their scores."
Dr. Sherry J.Secondary ELA/SS Content Leader
"Thank you so much for all of your assistance with the Practice ACT materials and reports. The reports came so quick and we really like the format of the reports. I have gone over the reports myself and with the math department so far and we are loving them!!! They are super easy to read and so helpful. We could not be more pleased!!"
Tracy D.Instructor
"I love the Cambridge feedback and lesson plans. Every employee at Cambridge provides good service and is always a pleasure to work with. I like the sincerity of materials prepared to make my program and students successful."
Sunita M.Instructor
"I’m bombarded with information regularly from other test prep companies, but after getting to know Cambridge from seeing them present at conferences, I chose them because they seem more “in-the-trenches” than the others. They know what they’re doing from direct experience, experience I feel the students in my program deserve and can benefit the most from."
Phyllis D.Upward Bound Director
"Your program has been great. In fact, I was "selling" it to the principals in our area at a meeting last week. I am looking to use your services again this year. I love the data reports! I wish we could use more."
Karen D.Principal
"Thank you to the Cambridge Educational Services team for providing outstanding responsiveness, customer service, and customer satisfaction. We appreciate the timely delivery of test preparation materials for our Continuing Education courses and the personalized attention to our instructors whenever they have questions or concerns regarding the materials."
Yvonne B.Director of Continuing Education
"Over the last 4 years I have had the pleasure of working with Cambridge Educational Services. The people that represent this company are the most responsive, friendly, and helpful professionals. Every time I have questions or need guidance, Cambridge has been there to help. I would recommend using Cambridge Educational Services to every school out there!"
Lindsey L.Counselor
"I have been impressed with the level of attention I have received from Cambridge I feel that all of my questions have been answered in a very timely fashion, and we have been able to order materials that meet our individual needs. The tests are easily administered and the feedback is wonderful, both for our staff and for parents and students. We are pleased to be able to provide our students with a preview of upcoming test formats, as well as score reports to drive instruction and learning."
Joshua L.Principal
"The services I use are very helpful in giving my students an idea of what to expect with the ACT. I especially love the item analysis and the other data we get back. This gives us a springboard into ACT prep for the students and lets us individualize those services based on their ACT pre-test analysis. I have also gotten very quick and painless trouble shooting services."
Nicole C.Counselor
"I always appreciate your top-notch customer service and support. I work with several book publishers for a range of Continuing & Professional Education courses at DePaul, and I can assuredly say that Cambridge is the most responsive and quick to troubleshoot should a problem arise."
Kristine E.Program Manager of Professional Education
"I want to thank you all at Cambridge for helping us to make our year as close to normal as possible. We were concerned that our testing model would be affected by COVID restrictions, etc. and we use that fall testing in our counseling program. Thankfully, Cambridge came through once again and was a shining example of how to function in weird times."
Dennis M.Academic Specalist of Campus Ministry